Get plastic toilet import data under hs code 3924 which Brazil imported from Taiwan Formosa. See hs code 3924 import data of plastic toilet imported by Brazil from Taiwan Formosa

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Rio De Janeiro PortoMaritimaTaiwan Formosa39249000OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OR TOILETOF PLASTICS144925QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO25**********
20169SantosMaritimaTaiwan Formosa39249000OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OR TOILETOF PLASTICS6877752QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO752**********
20169ParanaguaMaritimaTaiwan Formosa39249000OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OR TOILETOF PLASTICS265931034QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1034**********
20169ParanaguaMaritimaTaiwan Formosa39249000OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OR TOILETOF PLASTICS46121499QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1499**********
20169ItajaiMaritimaTaiwan Formosa39249000OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OR TOILETOF PLASTICS462557081QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO7081**********

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