Get detailed Brazil imports of paperboard which Brazil imported through Sao Francisco Do Sul

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48191000BOXES of paper or paperboard, corrugated (ribbed)53042948QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO2948**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48194000Other sacks, bags and cones, paper or paperboard645223QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO223**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48194000Other sacks, bags and cones, paper or paperboard1446442QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO442**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaItaly48194000Other sacks, bags and cones, paper or paperboard1067296QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO296**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaGermany48195000OUTS.EMBALAGENS paper or paperboardINCL.CAPAS P / DRIVES316QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO6**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48195000OUTS.EMBALAGENS paper or paperboardINCL.CAPAS P / DRIVES12541212QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1212**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48205000Albums for samples or collections, of paper or paperboard15651156QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1156**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48205000Albums for samples or collections, of paper or paperboard7029QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO29**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaGermany48211000LABELS paper or paperboardPRINTED131QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaChina48211000LABELS paper or paperboardPRINTED311264QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO264**********

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