Get other import data under hs code 39012019 which Brazil imported from United States. See hs code 39012019 import data of other imported by Brazil from United States

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169SantosMaritimaUnited States39012019OTHER polyethylenes C / LOADD> = 0.94IN PRIMARY FORMS2726613970QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO13970**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAirUnited States39012019OTHER polyethylenes C / LOADD> = 0.94IN PRIMARY FORMS109226350QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO6350**********
20169ItajaiMaritimaUnited States39012019OTHER polyethylenes C / LOADD> = 0.94IN PRIMARY FORMS100338148500QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO148500**********
20169Rio GrandeMaritimaUnited States39012019OTHER polyethylenes C / LOADD> = 0.94IN PRIMARY FORMS6791519800QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO19800**********

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