Access other customs import data of Brazil imports from Netherlands Netherlands via Recife Aeroporto

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Recife AeroportoAirNetherlands Netherlands73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL188933QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO33**********
20169Recife AeroportoAirNetherlands Netherlands73269090OTHER ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEEL6111136QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO136**********
20169Recife AeroportoAirNetherlands Netherlands85392990OTHER LAMPS / TUBES GLOWING.59760NUMERO (UNIDADE)22**********
20169Recife AeroportoAirNetherlands Netherlands90189099OTHER INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS P / MEDICALSURGICALET681769NUMERO (UNIDADE)13**********

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