Detailed other metals other customs data of Brazil imports under HS Code 83024200 which Brazil imports via Itajai to China

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169ItajaiMaritimaChina83024200OTHER COMMON GUARNICOESETC.DEP METALS / MOBILE6540023792QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO23792**********
20169ItajaiMaritimaChina83024200OTHER COMMON GUARNICOESETC.DEP METALS / MOBILE481890412356QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO412356**********
20169ItajaiMaritimaChina83024200OTHER COMMON GUARNICOESETC.DEP METALS / MOBILE298649454QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO9454**********

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