See details of molds import data under hs code 84 of Brazil which imports via Manaus Porto

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaChina84804100MOLDS FOR METAL MOLDINGETC.POR INJECTION / COMPRESSAO195202NUMERO (UNIDADE)613**********
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaKorea South Republic Of84804100MOLDS FOR METAL MOLDINGETC.POR INJECTION / COMPRESSAO154771NUMERO (UNIDADE)779**********
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaChina84807100MOLDS FOR RUBBER / PLASTIC MOLDINGBY INJECAOET18901414NUMERO (UNIDADE)6687**********
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaChina84807100MOLDS FOR RUBBER / PLASTIC MOLDINGBY INJECAOET54523NUMERO (UNIDADE)685**********
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaChina84807900OTHER MOLDS FOR RUBBER / PLASTIC1584777NUMERO (UNIDADE)14065**********

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