Get machine parts import data under hs code 84669410 which Brazil imported from United States. See hs code 84669410 import data of machine parts imported by Brazil from United States

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Manaus AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS16100QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169Recife AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS1200QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS58310QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO10**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS256830QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO30**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS4784043199QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO3199**********
20169SantosMaritimaUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS2627801580QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1580**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS425485QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO85**********
20169BrasiliaAirUnited States84669410PARTS AND MACHINES ACESS.DE FERRAM.P / forge ETC.METAIS32914QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO4**********

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