Get detailed Brazil imports of iron iron other steel which Brazil imported through Recife Porto Suape

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaChina73079100OTHER FLANGES P / TUBES OF CAST IRON / IRON OR STEEL2702047902QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO47902**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaChina73079100OTHER FLANGES P / TUBES OF CAST IRON / IRON OR STEEL6008856414QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO56414**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaSpain73079100OTHER FLANGES P / TUBES OF CAST IRON / IRON OR STEEL24305496996QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO96996**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaGermany73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL132QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO2**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaDenmark73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL5110QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO10**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaUnited States73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL40380QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO80**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaItaly73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL64416QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO16**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaItaly73182200OTHER IRON WASHERS CAST-IRON OR STEEL219891467QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1467**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaChina73130000BARBED WIRE AND OTHER IRON OR STEELUTIL.EM FENCES1791426400QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO26400**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaChina73159000OTHER PARTS OF CURRENT AND CHAINOF IRON OR STEEL344908163027QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO163027**********

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