Detailed integrate circuits customs data of Brazil imports under HS Code 8542 which Brazil imports via Belo Horizonte Aerop Confins to Thailand

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Belo Horizonte Aerop ConfinsAirThailand85423190OTHER INTEGRATED CIRCUITS107044254867NUMERO (UNIDADE)65**********
20169Belo Horizonte Aerop ConfinsAirThailand85423939OTHER INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Monolithic45940249889NUMERO (UNIDADE)24**********
20169Belo Horizonte Aerop ConfinsAirThailand85423999OTHER INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MONOLIT.DIGITAIS28352NUMERO (UNIDADE)0**********

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