Get engine import data under hs code 84679900 which Brazil imported from Czech Republic. See hs code 84679900 import data of engine imported by Brazil from Czech Republic

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Campinas AeroportoAirCzech Republic84679900TOOLS PARTS HIDRAUL / ENGINE N / ELETR.MANUAIS1013QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO3**********
20169SantosMaritimaCzech Republic84679900TOOLS PARTS HIDRAUL / ENGINE N / ELETR.MANUAIS152026QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO26**********
20169SantosMaritimaCzech Republic84679900TOOLS PARTS HIDRAUL / ENGINE N / ELETR.MANUAIS262972818QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO2818**********
20169Rio GrandeMaritimaCzech Republic84679900TOOLS PARTS HIDRAUL / ENGINE N / ELETR.MANUAIS233601666QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1666**********

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