Get engine import data under hs code 84099999 which Brazil imported from Argentina. See hs code 84099999 import data of engine imported by Brazil from Argentina

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169SantosMaritimaArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi147789QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO89**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAirArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi4427648QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO648**********
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaRoadArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi2885153QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO153**********
20169Porto Alegre AeroportoAirArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi2909QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO9**********
20169Sao BorjaRoadArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi27808210596QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO10596**********
20169Uruguaiana RodoviaRoadArgentina84099999OTHER PARTS FOR DIESEL ENGINES AND semi17523535809QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO35809**********

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