Detailed compress customs data of Brazil imports under HS Code 8414 which Brazil imports via Curitiba Aeroporto to Japan

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirJapan84149031PISTONS OR PISTONSOF AIR COMPRESSORS / OTHER GASES52514NUMERO (UNIDADE)2**********
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirJapan84149032RING SEGMENT TOAIR COMPRESSORS OR OUTS.GASE103229NUMERO (UNIDADE)27**********
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirJapan84149034COMPRESSORS VALVES AIR / OTHER GASES418NUMERO (UNIDADE)1**********

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