Detailed circuit customs data of Brazil imports under HS Code 8536 which Brazil imports via Curitiba Aeroporto to Mexico

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirMexico85365030SWITCHES CODIFICAD.DIGITAISP / MONTAG.CIRCUIT.IMPRES13322NUMERO (UNIDADE)0**********
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirMexico85365090OUTS.INTERRUPTORESETC.DE CIRCUITS ELETR.P / VOLTAGE <= 1K434NUMERO (UNIDADE)1**********
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirMexico85369040CONNECTORS P / PRINTED CIRCUITP / VOLTAGE <= 1KV20713904NUMERO (UNIDADE)6**********
20169Curitiba AeroportoAirMexico85369090OUTS.APARS.P / InterruptionETC.P / CIRCUITS ELETR.T <= 1KV178710126NUMERO (UNIDADE)29**********

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