Details and price for import data of brake parts which Brazil imports from China. Database based on accurate brake parts import shipment records

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Rio De Janeiro Porto SepetibaMaritimaChina86072900OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS OF VEHICLESP / Railways700821142QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1142**********
20169SantosMaritimaChina86072900OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS OF VEHICLESP / Railways764159QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO159**********
20169Manaus PortoMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS27377153929QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO53929**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS4093022789QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO22789**********
20169Rio De Janeiro Porto SepetibaMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS2870616555QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO16555**********
20169Rio De Janeiro Porto SepetibaMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS185QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO5**********
20169SantosMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS132031656QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1656**********
20169SantosMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS44832800QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO2800**********
20169SantosMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS15371068596QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO68596**********
20169SantosMaritimaChina87149490OTHER BRAKES AND PARTS P / BICYCLES AND OUTS.CICLOS11388349618QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO49618**********

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