Details and price for import data of automoti which Brazil imports from South Africa Republic Of. Database based on accurate automoti import shipment records

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAirSouth Africa Republic Of85308010APARS.ELETR.DIGIT.P / OF AUTOMOTIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL14412300NUMERO (UNIDADE)40**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87081000TOSHOCK AND PARTS P / AUTOMOTIVE17301321NUMERO (UNIDADE)247**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87082991Fenders P / AUTOMOTIVE7228285NUMERO (UNIDADE)923**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87082991Fenders P / AUTOMOTIVE18770520NUMERO (UNIDADE)1127**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87082993DOORS P / AUTOMOTIVE8304NUMERO (UNIDADE)41**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87082994PANELS INSTRUMENTS P / AUTOMOTIVE6498NUMERO (UNIDADE)83**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87085099OUTS.EIXOS PARTIES ANDP / AUTOMOTIVE4004515245QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO15245**********
20169SantosMaritimaSouth Africa Republic Of87087090OTHER PARTS AND WHEELSACESS.P / AUTOMOTIVE863NUMERO (UNIDADE)36**********

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