Detailed Brazilian import data of acid under HS Code 29161430. Access complete hs code 29161430 customs data of Brazil.

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169SantosMaritimaGermany29161430NBUTYL ESTERS OF methacrylic acid5040827360QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO27360**********
20169SantosMaritimaUnited States29161430NBUTYL ESTERS OF methacrylic acid3782920185QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO20185**********
20169ItajaiMaritimaUnited States29161430NBUTYL ESTERS OF methacrylic acid131737983QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO7983**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMaritimaUnited States29161430NBUTYL ESTERS OF methacrylic acid55942903QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO2903**********
20169Porto Alegre AeroportoAirIreland Eire29161430NBUTYL ESTERS OF methacrylic acid52973QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO3**********

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