Detailed tractor parts customs data of Brazil exports under HS Code 8708 which Brazil exports via Santana Do Livramento Rodovia to Uruguay

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Santana Do Livramento RodoviaROADWAYUruguay87087010AXLE WHEELS PROPULSOR.S / PARTS-P / -DUMPERS- / TRACTORS3173NUMERO (UNIDADE)95**********
20169Santana Do Livramento RodoviaROADWAYUruguay87089300CLUTCHES AND PARTS P / TRACTORS / VEICULOS AUTOMOVEI223847NUMERO (UNIDADE)113**********
20169Santana Do Livramento RodoviaROADWAYUruguay87089300CLUTCHES AND PARTS P / TRACTORS / VEICULOS AUTOMOVEI381NUMERO (UNIDADE)2**********

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