Details and price for export data of paper fiber which Brazil exports to Saudi Arabia. Database based on accurate paper fiber export shipment records

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169ParanaguaMARITIMESaudi Arabia48010010NEWSPAPER ROLLS-IN PAPER / FLS.P <= 57G / M2-FIBER PROC.MEC> = 652113050003QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO50003**********
20169SantosMARITIMESaudi Arabia48025610PAPER FIBER MEC <= 10% -40 <= P <= 150G / M2-FLS.LADO <= 360mm7713101052660QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1052660**********
20169SantosMARITIMESaudi Arabia48025610PAPER FIBER MEC <= 10% -40 <= P <= 150G / M2-FLS.LADO <= 360mm91676119800QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO119800**********
20169SantosMARITIMESaudi Arabia48025693KRAFT-FIBER PAPER <= 10% -40 <= P <= 150G / M2-L <= 435X297MM1833523960QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO23960**********
20169SantosMARITIMESaudi Arabia48025793KRAFT FIBER-MEC PAPER <= 10% -40G / M2 <= P <= 150G / M21180421584QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO21584**********

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