See details of other export data under hs code 8803 of Brazil which exports via Rio De Janeiro Aeroporto

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAArab Emirates88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter500051125QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1125**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREASpain88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter1719002531QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO531**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAUnited States88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter23810878QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO78**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAUnited States88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter1196647528QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO528**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAFrance88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter4196027QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO27**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAFrance88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter847069162QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO162**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAIsrael88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter3900636QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO36**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAItaly88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter61328026QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO26**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAItaly88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter1167452442QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO442**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAPortugal88033000OTHER PARTS P / airplane or helicopter43540015QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO15**********

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