Get other export data under hs code 73063000 which Brazil exported to Paraguay. See hs code 73063000 export data of other exported by Brazil to Paraguay

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaROADWAYParaguay73063000OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.SOLD.SEC.CIRC.273562266458QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO266458**********
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaROADWAYParaguay73063000OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.SOLD.SEC.CIRC.5950140209QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO40209**********
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaROADWAYParaguay73063000OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.SOLD.SEC.CIRC.7386QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO6**********
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaROADWAYParaguay73063000OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.SOLD.SEC.CIRC.107448102129QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO102129**********
20169Foz Do Iguacu RodoviaROADWAYParaguay73063000OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.SOLD.SEC.CIRC.53918935QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO8935**********

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