Get other export data under hs code 7304 which Brazil exported to Chile. See hs code 7304 export data of other exported by Brazil to Chile

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Uruguaiana RodoviaROADWAYChile73045990OTHER TUBES OTHER LEAGUES ACOS-S / COST.SEC.CIRC.13539474922QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO74922**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREAChile73043990OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.S / COST.SEC.CIRC.990QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169Uruguaiana RodoviaROADWAYChile73043990OTHER TUBES IRON / ACO N / LIG.S / COST.SEC.CIRC.6233557505QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO57505**********
20169Uruguaiana RodoviaROADWAYChile73044900OTHER TUBES ACOS INOX.S / COST.SEC.CIRC.81QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAChile73049090OTHER TUBES / PROFILES HOLLOW-IRON / ACO-S / COST.701QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1**********

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