See details of other export data under hs code 71162090 of Brazil which exports via Sao Paulo Aeroporto

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAGermany71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.4616104QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO104**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAGermany71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.401326QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO26**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAAustralia71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.25000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAArab Emirates71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.41240350QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO350**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREASpain71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.1349124QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO124**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited States71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.3600120QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO120**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited States71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.2222044488QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO4488**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAFrance71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.20563QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO3**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAFrance71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.2292105QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO105**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAHong Kong71162090OTHER ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS / SEMI-Sintet / RECONST.5160382QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO382**********

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