Get other export data under hs code 62 which Brazil exported to Italy. See hs code 62 export data of other exported by Brazil to Italy

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREAItaly62029300OTHER MANTOS-ETC.DE FIBER Sintet / FEM ARTIF.USO1153NUMERO (UNIDADE)1**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREAItaly62114300Other clothing FIBER SINT / ARTIF.DE USE FEM1103NUMERO (UNIDADE)2**********
20169Sao Paulo CorreioPOSTCARDItaly62114300Other clothing FIBER SINT / ARTIF.DE USE FEM66415NUMERO (UNIDADE)5**********
20169Sao Paulo CorreioPOSTCARDItaly62114900Other clothing OUTS.MATERIAS OF TEXTILES-USE FEMININ1626NUMERO (UNIDADE)3**********

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