Get other export data under hs code 5212 which Brazil exported to United States. See hs code 5212 export data of other exported by Brazil to United States

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited States52122300OTHER FABRICS OF COTTON-RED WINES-WEIGHT> 200G / M2193321664QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1664**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREAUnited States52122400OTHER FABRICS OF COTTON-WIRE DIVS.CORES-WEIGHT> 200G / M216316QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO16**********
20169Rio De Janeiro AeroportoAEREAUnited States52122500OTHER FABRICS OF COTTON-STAMPING-WEIGHT> 200G / M263228QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO28**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREAUnited States52122500OTHER FABRICS OF COTTON-STAMPING-WEIGHT> 200G / M2260783QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO83**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited States52122500OTHER FABRICS OF COTTON-STAMPING-WEIGHT> 200G / M219482977QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO977**********

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