Get other export data under hs code 44079990 which Brazil exported to Netherlands Netherlands. See hs code 44079990 export data of other exported by Brazil to Netherlands Netherlands

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Manaus PortoMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M94480123METRO CUBICO166049**********
20169Manaus PortoMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M62531145METRO CUBICO171906**********
20169Manaus PortoMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M75357119METRO CUBICO156000**********
20169MungubaMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M316223562METRO CUBICO709172**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M120908190METRO CUBICO238500**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M153028223METRO CUBICO270123**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMENetherlands Netherlands44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M5606177METRO CUBICO93965**********

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