Get other export data under hs code 4407 which Brazil exported to Belgium. See hs code 4407 export data of other exported by Brazil to Belgium

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169MungubaMARITIMEBelgium44072990OTHER TROPICAL-sawnwood / CORT.FLS.ETC.ESP> 6M5709775METRO CUBICO102371**********
20169Manaus PortoMARITIMEBelgium44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M5354262METRO CUBICO80698**********
20169MungubaMARITIMEBelgium44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M100872158METRO CUBICO183492**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMEBelgium44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M5330776METRO CUBICO76497**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMEBelgium44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M90998111METRO CUBICO133850**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMARITIMEBelgium44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M1490626METRO CUBICO21335**********

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