Get other export data under hs code 44029000 which Brazil exported to United States. See hs code 44029000 export data of other exported by Brazil to United States

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEUnited States44029000OTHER VEGETABLE Coals whether or not agglomerated885118839QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO18839**********
20169Rio De Janeiro PortoMARITIMEUnited States44029000OTHER VEGETABLE Coals whether or not agglomerated3423061663QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO61663**********
20169SantosMARITIMEUnited States44029000OTHER VEGETABLE Coals whether or not agglomerated65041154970QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO154970**********
20169ItajaiMARITIMEUnited States44029000OTHER VEGETABLE Coals whether or not agglomerated1581034001QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO34001**********
20169Rio GrandeMARITIMEUnited States44029000OTHER VEGETABLE Coals whether or not agglomerated708816326QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO16326**********

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