Get other export data under hs code 44 which Brazil exported to United Kingdom. See hs code 44 export data of other exported by Brazil to United Kingdom

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Manaus PortoMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M303817475METRO CUBICO556791**********
20169ParanaguaMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44079990OTHER TIMBER sawn / CUT IN SHEETS-ETC.ESP> 6M4594360METRO CUBICO77980**********
20169SantosMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44092900OTHER TIMBER PERF. Etc.- nonconiferous7681METRO CUBICO350**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited Kingdom44092900OTHER TIMBER PERF. Etc.- nonconiferous16191METRO CUBICO661**********
20169ItajaiMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44129900Other plywood-clad WOODS OR STRATIFIED3179249METRO CUBICO23000**********
20169ItajaiMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44129900Other plywood-clad WOODS OR STRATIFIED127258509METRO CUBICO249420**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44189000Other articles of joinery or carpentry-P / CONSTRUCOE2931623430QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO23430**********
20169Sao Francisco Do SulMARITIMEUnited Kingdom44189000Other articles of joinery or carpentry-P / CONSTRUCOE2455315426QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO15426**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited Kingdom44219000OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD8000120QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO120**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREAUnited Kingdom44219000OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD262115QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO115**********

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