Get other export data under hs code 39269090 which Brazil exported to South Africa Republic Of. See hs code 39269090 export data of other exported by Brazil to South Africa Republic Of

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Rio De Janeiro PortoMARITIMESouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS837QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO7**********
20169Campinas AeroportoAEREASouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS31QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1**********
20169SantosMARITIMESouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS304121010QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO1010**********
20169SantosMARITIMESouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS553QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO3**********
20169SantosMARITIMESouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS420QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREASouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS2454QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO4**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREASouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS179745QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO45**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREASouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS424464QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO64**********
20169Sao Paulo AeroportoAEREASouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS180QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO0**********
20169ItajaiMARITIMESouth Africa Republic Of39269090OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTICS3116QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO6**********

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