See details of other export data under hs code 3901 of Brazil which exports via Salvador Porto

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEEcuador39012019OTHER polyethylenes C / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS164696000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO6000**********
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEBelgium39012029OTHER polyethylenes S / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS1000747896946QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO896946**********
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEChina39012029OTHER polyethylenes S / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS252648297000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO297000**********
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEEcuador39012029OTHER polyethylenes S / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS236487220000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO220000**********
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMESpain39012029OTHER polyethylenes S / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS210466198000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO198000**********
20169Salvador PortoMARITIMEPeru39012029OTHER polyethylenes S / LOAD-D> = 0.94-IN PRIMARY FORMS138300100000QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO100000**********

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