Detailed Brazilian export data of fiber under HS Code 55092100. Access complete hs code 55092100 customs data of Brazil.

Year MonthCustoms Way of Transport Country HS Code Product Description FOB Value Quantity Measure UnitNet WeightShipper NameConsignee Name
20169Fortaleza PortoMARITIMEArgentina55092100Polyester fibers WIRE> = 85% -Simple7429717558QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO17558**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMARITIMEArgentina55092100Polyester fibers WIRE> = 85% -Simple260977790QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO7790**********
20169Fortaleza PortoMARITIMEArgentina55092100Polyester fibers WIRE> = 85% -Simple7429717558QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO17558**********
20169Recife Porto SuapeMARITIMEArgentina55092100Polyester fibers WIRE> = 85% -Simple260977790QUILOGRAMA LIQUIDO7790**********

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